Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are

RSNCE Inc. is a company that helps people express their stories and their artistry.
We provide media content, media content creation data, content creation environment, and collaborative network.
Ultimately, we focus on creating a virtuous cycle ecosystem that allows ordinary people to create music and art without necessarily having a professional background, all while still honoring existing musicians and artists. 
RSNCE is compound word of RSNC+E. RSNC is an abbreviation for the word Resonance, which signifies a symphathetic vibration with the world around us.
The last letter ‘E’ symbolizes the transcendental function ‘e^x’. ‘E’ symbolizes the true value that returns to yourself even when many factors constantly affect you in the short or long term.
Our goal is to gather musicians, media content creators, artists, and audiences into one place.

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Why Us




TKYNX is an open music production data market that provides VSTi presets, Audio Plugin presets, Audio Plugin Chain presets, Session Templates to minimize music production time.
A tachyon is a virtual particle that is known to be faster than light.
TKYNX is combination of the words of “TAKYON”+”X(Transform)”. TAKYON refers to tachyon particles, which have unique properties that are not bound by existing physical phenomena and causalities
Due to the steep learning curve in sound design, we know that instrument sound design, general sound design, and mixing and mastering consume huge amounts of time.
Therefore, TKYNX provides music production preset parameter data that can be used for instrument sound design, sound design, mixing and mastering as a form of preset files or image captures of preset parameters.


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